Monday, July 22, 2013

On Saturday of July 13th, I went to Hartford where is the capital of Connecticut. This park was the most beautiful place there. Surprisingly. there was no one in the city. It was so quiet and a little bit boring. I went to Mark Twain House, but it was nothing special. 
On Sunday of July 14th, I went to NYC again, especially to MOMA, Museum of Modern Art.
The following picture is Campbell's Soup Cans painted by Andy Warhol. He built the foudation of Contemporary Pop Art of America.
The next painting is The Stary Night painted by Gogh. This is one of the most famous pictures of Gogh. It makes us feel fantasic. I like it.
This is also one of the most pictures of Picasso, Les Demoiselles d'Avignon. It triggered the revolution of Cubism.
The next picture is a big picture painted by Pollock. It was so innovative, but I think somebody can paint like this.
The next one is Girl with Ball painted by Lichtenstein who played an important role in American Pop Art. It looks simple but attracts a lot of people.  
The last picture is Gold Marilyn Monroe painted by Warhol. It shocked a lot of people in that time, so it has had been loved a long time.
MOMA became to be the most favorite place for me. I wanna go once again someday. 

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